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Educators design authentic, learner-driven activities and environments that recognize and accommodate learner variability.
One proven way to increase retention and a sense of belonging on our campuses is by making sure students have the resources they need (or know how to get them).
Assistive Technology (AT) is one such resource.
Do you know Service Animal Etiquette? (VoiceThread discussion)
Full Assistive Tech Presentation (links included)
Our campus communities are composed of students, faculty, and staff with diverse backgrounds. You may have students (or coworkers) who utilize service animals. The SoftChalk lesson included on this page is a great overview of this topic. (To view the lesson in a separate window.)
We must be aware of AT which can help student Veterans who may need it.
Want to know what life may be like for your students with chronic diseases and "invisible" illnesses? Christine Miserandino explains her now popular theory.
Our students may use AT in the form of service or guide dogs. Here's the etiquette for coexisting with your students' furry helpers.
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